dimentional-letters-outdoorDimensional lettering is a classy, professional way for Orlando, FL restaurants to stand out from their surroundings. In fact, dimensional lettering literally stands out!

The best way to advertise your restaurant is to start with a great first impression. That is something you can easily achieve when you choose the right sign products, customized for your exact space, aesthetics, and goals for your restaurant.

A dimensional lettering sign is a good choice for companies across the spectrum of industries. They create that stellar first impression that will stay with your clients. They are especially relevant to restaurants and companies in the food industry, as these businesses are largely driven by their branding, aesthetics and first impressions.

Dimensional lettering involves installing letters, numbers, and graphics on the surface of a wall or other area. Commonly, when people think of signs, they picture print and graphics that are attached to a separate structure that itself is then installed on or near a business. Dimensional lettering, however, puts your signage right onto your restaurant’s space. This creates a luxurious and eye-catching look. This lettering can be mounted in a way that sets it off from the surface area, creating depth through shadows. Spot lighting works well to add another layer of interest to signage featuring dimensional letters.

dimentional-letters indoorWith dimensional lettering, restaurants can customize their signs, from the materials used to the size of letters. They can choose their colors and even special effects, such as metallic.

In a space surrounded by traditional, printed signs, a restaurant that uses dimensional lettering has an advantage. If your signage is different to most people’s, it will immediately attract attention.

Add in font, graphic, color, and lighting choices that make the sign look especially attractive, and you can see how these signs work well to set a restaurant apart from its competition.

While a sign this beautiful might seem too expensive for smaller restaurant companies or those with less of a budget for displays, dimensional lettering can be affordable. The materials used vary in price. Most are rated to withstand a lot of wear and tear, meaning your investment in dimensional lettering will keep your company looking polished for a long time to come.

These signs are also easy to upkeep. Restaurants using signs like these often have lower costs for maintenance and repair because one damaged letter can be replaced at a time instead of an entire sign needing a fix.

Give your Orlando, FL restaurant an easy advantage. Install dimensional lettering to create a snappy look for your space.